Connu sous le nom de Loctite 569 Thread Sealant Hydraulic Sealant

Caractéristiques et avantages

This low strength, low-viscosity thread sealant is designed to prevent loosening and leakage of metal hydraulic fittings from shock and vibration. Contains no fillers or particles that clog fluid systems.
LOCTITE® 569 is a hydraulic-grade thread sealant designed for the locking and sealing of fine threaded metal pipes and fittings. The low-to-medium viscosity product cures when confined in the absence of air between close-fitting metal surfaces, and prevents loosening and leakage from shock and vibration when cured. It contains no fillers or particles that could contaminate system fluids, foul valves, or clog fine filters and screens.
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Informations techniques

Caractéristiques clés Résistance : Résistance élevée, Sans Mélange, Viscosité Basse viscosité
Couleur Marron
Forme physique Liquide
Nombre de composants Mono composant
Type de polymérisation Activateur de polymérisation, Polymérisation Anaérobie